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atta: Hotels, Flights & Cars

4.2 ( 9792 ratings )
Cestování Životní styl
Vývojář: ATTA INC.

atta assists you in booking travel deals with AI.

With atta’s future price prediction, you can book and save more on your trip!
Set an alert if the price is on “Price is expected to drop”. You will get a notification when price is cheaper and you can book a lower price!
Conversely, if the price is on "Price is expected to increase". We recommend that you make your reservation now.

Furthermore, with attas auto booking switch feature, your reservation will be automatically switched when you get an even better deal on the accommodation plan you have booked.


- View price trends for the lowest price plans, when and how much they will drop in the future.
- Get notified when the price drops with the predicted price
- You can search and compare the lowest price plans from various accommodation booking sites
- Search more than 3 million hotels, inns, private residences and villas across the globe
- About 400,000 hotels can be booked on atta.
- With attas auto booking switch feature, your reservation will be automatically switched when you get an even better deal on the accommodation plan you have booked.
- If a hotel room you want to book is full, you can set a vacancy alert and be notified when a room is available.

- Shows price prediction before date of departure, how much it will decrease with savings
- Receive push notifications when the price drops and it is the best time to book
- Prediction displays both flight routes or on specific flight
- Search and compare tickets of various airlines with 4400 airports across the globe
- We recommend a wide range of destinations based on your budget and itinerary
- Displays price range on atta’s calendar view
- The anywhere search function on the top page allows you to find your favorite destination by date and budget, even if you dont have a specific destination in mind.

Car Hire
- Search and compare various car hire reservations. Easily book and return by location or car types.
atta uses Prediction technology make your flight and accommodation bookings cheaper. The lowest fares, now and in the future.

Thank you for your support.
For enquiries:
Visit our website: https://atta.ai/company/en/contact/
Or contact us: [email protected]